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Restaurant & kitchen
Crane • Follow 菠蘿選画所 <p>The cranes come and go freely, spread their wings,<br />Families are flying around,<br />Wandering in the sky together with the sun,<br />Flying to the piece of heart in the heart wonderland.</p> <p>Light sketches with fairy air,<br />Create an extraordinary new look for the home.</p> NAMF4629
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Crane • Follow NT$980.00
Corner coffee 菠蘿選画所 <p>Looking for a quiet place, looking for the aroma of coffee in a room, the city is turbulent, and the restless heart has no place to settle, then find a quiet cafe to drink a cup of coffee, the rich aroma will pull your nerves, the mellow taste is pleasant, you will Discover the warm times that never go far.</p> KDCA4638
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  • 95折
Corner coffee NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Continuous • pineapple II 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 BFRG4611
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Continuous • pineapple II NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Continuous • pineapple I 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 BFRG4610
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Continuous • pineapple I NT$1,406.00 NT$1,480.00
Column II 菠蘿選画所 <p>【 浪漫系列 】</p> <p><br />窗外的雨滴,</p> <p>路上的行人,</p> <p>行色匆匆或是步履蹣跚;</p> <p>而我獨享著自己的小世界,</p> <p>能觀看雨景更不會淋濕。</p> <p><br />你也跟我一樣愛觀察嗎?</p> <p>※ 無框畫作皆無法使用3M畫扣,<br />背框採用黑色絨布膠做美背,<br />掛勾部分則使用齒痕釘方便做吊掛。<br />請大家在選購時特別注意喔!</p> CMCL4615
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Column II NT$980.00
Column I 菠蘿選画所 <p>【 浪漫系列 】</p> <p><br />窗外的雨滴,</p> <p>路上的行人,</p> <p>行色匆匆或是步履蹣跚;</p> <p>而我獨享著自己的小世界,</p> <p>能觀看雨景更不會淋濕。</p> <p><br />你也跟我一樣愛觀察嗎?</p> <p>※ 無框畫作皆無法使用3M畫扣,<br />背框採用黑色絨布膠做美背,<br />掛勾部分則使用齒痕釘方便做吊掛。<br />請大家在選購時特別注意喔!</p> CMCL4614
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Column I NT$980.00
Coffee set 菠蘿選画所 <p>All coffee berries start out green, and as they mature, the skin becomes darker and darker as they ripen, turning into dark red, cherry-like coffee berries.</p> KDCA4633
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  • 95折
Coffee set NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffee Illustrated Book 菠蘿選画所 <p>Night on Tuesday after work,</p> <p>It's too suitable for a few bottles of beer.</p> <p>Put out the irritating temperature of work.</p> <p>Sofa, TV, beer and a lazy pose,</p> <p>A relaxing night with a stretch!</p> LSBP1412
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  • 95折
Coffee Illustrated Book NT$6,460.00 NT$6,800.00
Coffee Illustrated Book 菠蘿選画所 <p>Night on Tuesday after work,</p> <p>It's too suitable for a few bottles of beer.</p> <p>Put out the irritating temperature of work.</p> <p>Sofa, TV, beer and a lazy pose,</p> <p>A relaxing night with a stretch!</p> KDCA4609
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  • 95折
Coffee Illustrated Book NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffee break 菠蘿選画所 <p>Good morning,<br />It needs to be accompanied by a cup of fragrant coffee,<br />Good weekend,<br />A cup of coffee and a book to spend quietly.</p> KDCA4434
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Coffee break NT$807.50 NT$850.00
Coffee Berry 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 KDCA4631
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Coffee Berry NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffee berries 菠蘿選画所 <p>All coffee berries start out green, and as they mature, the skin becomes darker and darker as they ripen, turning into dark red, cherry-like coffee berries.</p> KDCA4632
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  • 95折
Coffee berries NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffee Aroma 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 KDCA4619
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Coffee Aroma NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffee 菠蘿選画所 <p>A full-bodied espresso, the beginning and foundation of everything, comes from a unique soul, the coffee bean. It is a cup of 30ml of coffee that is extracted by a coffee machine, with a high pressure of 9 atmospheres, a water temperature of 92 degrees, and born in 25-30 seconds. There are few drinks in the world that are composed of solids, gases, and liquids.</p> KDCA4618
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  • 95折
Coffee NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Coffea arabica illustration 菠蘿選画所 <p>A cup of coffee when you are tired from work is a good refreshment. But do you know its raw material plant, small fruit coffee? As one of the three major beverage plants in the world, coffee is the most common coffee, Latin scientific name: Coffee arabica, Rubiaceae coffee is a large shrub or small tree, up to 5-8 meters high, with thin leathery leaves, 6- 14cm, 3.5-5cm wide, leaves entire, shallowly wavy. Cymes clustered in leaf axils, white corolla, flowering from March to April. The berries are red when ripe, oval, 12-16mm long and 10-12mm in diameter. Usually there are two seeds inside, the so-called "coffee beans".</p> KDCA4630
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
  • 95折
Coffea arabica illustration NT$931.00 NT$980.00
City map • Sydney 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4638
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City map • Sydney NT$980.00
City map • Melbourne 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4637
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City map • Melbourne NT$980.00
City map • Manhattan 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4627
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City map • Manhattan NT$980.00
City map • Brooklyn 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4629
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City map • Brooklyn NT$980.00
City map • Brisbane 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4636
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City map • Brisbane NT$980.00
City Map • Queens 菠蘿選画所 <p>Stepping into the Renaissance map, during the Renaissance, it was the first attempt to draw a city map with a plane method; although it was just a sketch, it also showed all the artist's talents in cartography and the love for the city.</p> CMCL4628
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
City Map • Queens NT$980.00
Citrus Lemon 菠蘿選画所 <p>In the early morning of summer, the citrus lemons in the illustrated book exude a fresh aroma, like the sweet memories of retro times.</p> BFOL4625
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Citrus Lemon NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Chrysanthemum • Magnificent 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 BFRG4609
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Chrysanthemum • Magnificent NT$980.00
Christmas Tree I 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 HPXP2210
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Christmas Tree I NT$850.00
Christmas eve candle 菠蘿選画所 <p>The candlelight on Christmas Eve is full of warmth. On a happy night, I send my blessings to you. I wish you peace, happiness, and happiness!</p> KPWI4625
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Christmas eve candle NT$980.00
Christmas dishes for the occasion 菠蘿選画所 <p>Use sweet wine for cooking,<br />a little cinnamon stick,<br />use fennel for seasoning,<br />this is a simple meal for the occasion.</p> HPXP4637
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Christmas dishes for the occasion NT$980.00
Christmas countdown 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 HPXP4425
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Christmas countdown NT$850.00
Christmas card - Gingerbread Man 菠蘿選画所 <p>A small Christmas greeting card, a simple and thoughtful gift! In this cold winter, pass the hand-made temperature to each other personally. The age of prosperous technology needs these beautiful moments to warm your heart!</p> HPXP4617
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Christmas card - Gingerbread Man NT$980.00
Christmas Candlelight Dinner 菠蘿選画所 <p>Simple decoration, <br />small gift,<br />full of love atmosphere,<br />this moment,<br />is our good time.</p> HPXP4629
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Christmas Candlelight Dinner NT$980.00
Cherry 菠蘿選画所 <p>The taste of cherries,<br />sweet with a little sour,<br />and strong aroma.</p> <p>The rosy and plump peel,<br />as cute as a baby's pink face.</p> APGF4601
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  • 95折
Cherry NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Champs Lily 菠蘿選画所 <p>The warm sun is rising, the garden is running water, <br />the insects and birds sing, live endlessly,<br />the Champs lily is refreshing.</p> BFFB4625
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Champs Lily NT$980.00
Cauliflower 菠蘿選画所 <p>Rock vegetables,<br /> So hardcore,<br /> Nutritional balance,<br />
 Just like Dwayne Douglas Johnson !<br /> "The Ro~~~ck"</p> KDFI4405
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  • 95折
Cauliflower NT$807.50 NT$850.00
Catnip Flower Spectrum 菠蘿選画所 <p>The flower language of catnip: secret love, love that will never die.</p> <p>Catnip is one of the members of the peppermint family.<br />It is said that the scent emitted by its leaves after damage<br />will strongly attract cats to eat, and <br />the cat will produce temporary Intoxication and happiness. <br /><br />It’s no wonder that the cats of Bo Niu’s family all have an everlasting love for catnip<br />! <br />(Hey~Where did you put the minion!?)</p> BFVI4404
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  • 95折
Catnip Flower Spectrum NT$807.50 NT$850.00
Carnival • Dress up 菠蘿選画所 <p>Oriental charm is a natural temperament.<br />The perfect circle is combined with the ingenious winding of the twigs.<br />The picture is coordinated like a poem with ups and downs.</p> HPNY4402
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Carnival • Dress up NT$850.00
Carnival • Celebration 菠蘿選画所 <p>Oriental charm is a natural temperament.<br />The perfect circle is combined with the ingenious winding of the twigs.<br />The picture is coordinated like a poem with ups and downs.</p> HPNY4401
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Carnival • Celebration NT$850.00
Caramel pudding 菠蘿選画所 <p>Italian dishes are combined into a delicious picture, creating a romantic lunch atmosphere and making people feel full of warmth and happiness.</p> KDNF4425
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Caramel pudding NT$807.50 NT$850.00
Capsella bursa-pastoris 菠蘿選画所 尚未提供 BFVI4403
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Capsella bursa-pastoris NT$807.50 NT$850.00
CAFE HAWELKA 菠蘿選画所 <p>All coffee berries start out green, and as they mature, the skin becomes darker and darker as they ripen, turning into dark red, cherry-like coffee berries.</p> KDCA4640
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  • 95折
CAFE HAWELKA NT$931.00 NT$980.00
C'est La Vie (square) 菠蘿選画所 <p><span style="font-size:11px;">Your own life is in charge,<br /></span>Freedom is none other than oneself.<br />Happiness will be in charge now,<br />You can move in with your luggage ready.</p> TQLQ4438
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
  • 9折
C'est La Vie (square) NT$765.00 NT$850.00
Butterfly Dance II 菠蘿選画所 <p>The warm sun is rising, the garden is running water, <br />the insects and birds sing, live endlessly,<br />the Champs lily is refreshing.</p> BFFB4641
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Butterfly Dance II NT$980.00
Butterfly Dance I 菠蘿選画所 <p>The warm sun is rising, the garden is running water, <br />the insects and birds sing, live endlessly,<br />the Champs lily is refreshing.</p> BFFB4640
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Butterfly Dance I NT$980.00
Breakfast 菠蘿選画所 <p>【晨食系列 】</p> <p>All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.</p> <p>(Convenient breakfast, decide the happiness of the day.)</p> <p>-The famous American journalist John. John Gunther</p> <p><br />Break the breakfast and drink a bit of air for travel.</p> <p>Beautiful paintings are like beautiful people,</p> <p>Always appear in unexpected situations,</p> <p>Or a corner, or a windless morning</p> <p><br />"Good morning"</p> <p>As always, I said.</p> <p>Slightly smile, laugh at yourself and have a sweet dream,</p> <p>Because I met you in the most beautiful season.</p> KDBI4601
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
  • 95折
Breakfast NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Black koi play with golden silk 菠蘿選画所 <p>Koi -<br />It means "rich, auspicious, health and happiness".<br />Black koi belongs to water among the five elements.<br />It also means making money when it encounters water.</p> <p>The naughty koi are playing in the soft white waves,<br />the golden threads are raised in the shuttle,<br />the black and white koi are in proportion to the blue lake water to coordinate the composition,<br />both auspicious and auspicious. rich!</p> APUP4614
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Black koi play with golden silk NT$980.00
Berry Set 菠蘿選画所 <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:.7px;font-size:17px;color:#424242;font-family:'PingFangTC-Regular', sans-serif;">[Berry Family Series]</p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:.7px;font-size:17px;color:#424242;font-family:'PingFangTC-Regular', sans-serif;"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, '文泉驿正黑', 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '俪黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro ', 'Heiti TC', 'Microsoft 正黑体', 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif;font-size:17.5px;letter-spacing:.7px;white-space:pre-wrap;"><span style="color:#424242;font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, '文泉驿正黑', 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '俪黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro', 'Heiti TC', 'Microsoft is blackbody', 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif;"> Make table accessories more energetic! The morning sun shines on the kitchen table, and all kinds of berries and vanillas open your day with vision and smell! The berries are sweet and delicious, sour and sweet, full of lingering Nordic style;</span></span></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:.7px;font-size:17px;color:#424242;font-family:'PingFangTC-Regular', sans-serif;"></p> <p><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, '文泉驿正黑', 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '俪黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro ', 'Heiti TC', 'Microsoft 正黑体', 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif;font-size:17.5px;letter-spacing:.7px;white-space:pre-wrap;"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, '文泉驿正黑', 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '俪黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro', 'Heiti TC', 'Microsoft 正黑体', 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:17.5px;letter-spacing:.7px;">From "Epicure": "My Nordic friend said that the most pleasant summer time is sitting at the lakeside of the house, watching the purple clouds at midnight (actually also during the day) Connected to the lake, a glass of berry-flavored beer. The most comfortable winter is to nest at home, cook a large pot of hot ginger wine Glögg, blend with the cloud of raspberry sauce (Hjortron), let the wind be northerly outside the window, enjoy the heat Sleepy in the middle of the night . " Span&gt; span&gt; <br /> span&gt; p&gt;</span></span></span></p> KDHB5701
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  • 95折
Berry Set NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Beer? 菠蘿選画所 <p>Night on Tuesday after work,</p> <p>It's too suitable for a few bottles of beer. </p> <p>Put out the irritating temperature of work. </p> <p>Sofa, TV, beer and a lazy pose,</p> <p>A relaxing night with a stretch! </p> KDCA4608
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Beer? NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Beautiful morning 菠蘿選画所 <p>【晨食系列 】</p> <p>All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.</p> <p>(Convenient breakfast, decide the happiness of the day.)</p> <p>-The famous American journalist John. John Gunther</p> <p><br />Break the breakfast and drink a bit of air for travel.</p> <p>Beautiful paintings are like beautiful people,</p> <p>Always appear in unexpected situations,</p> <p>Or a corner, or a windless morning</p> <p><br />"Good morning"</p> <p>As always, I said.</p> <p>Slightly smile, laugh at yourself and have a sweet dream,</p> <p>Because I met you in the most beautiful season.</p> KDBI4604
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
  • 95折
Beautiful morning NT$931.00 NT$980.00
Beach Chalet 菠蘿選画所 <p><span style="font-size:11px;">The sunrise symbolizes the day’s departure,<br /></span>People will also continue their unfinished mileage.<br />The scenery on the sea is so pleasant,<br />The sun slowly rises eastward and sinks the night.</p> NAWA4446
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
Beach Chalet NT$850.00
Basque Cheesecake 菠蘿選画所 <p>Italian dishes are combined into a delicious picture, creating a romantic lunch atmosphere and making people feel full of warmth and happiness.</p> KDNF4426
Rated 5/5 based on 999 customer reviews
  • 95折
Basque Cheesecake NT$807.50 NT$850.00
Showing 289-336 of 362 item(s)